We develop and apply precision custom coatings providing maximum restorative, resistance and release properties to your products—lending our services to a wide range of industries from hospitality to technology. We offer Fluoropolymer/Teflon™, Ceramic, Liquid, Powder and Composite coatings. We also have facilities for your largest projects.
Desert Coating Solutions is a full service coating company.
Consistent quality and exceeding our customer’s most demanding requirements for all of their coating needs.
From powder coatings to liquid coatings to industrial coatings of all kinds, see what makes Desert Coating Solutions the leader in functional applications for engineering, architectural, motorsports and more.
People are the heart of any business. We’ve got 70 employees including technical specialists, NACE inspectors and trained pros that will ensure your project is done right — on time, everytime.
We have multiple wheelabrators, a 40,000lb forklift and 40,000 square feet under roof. We also have a 9 acre outdoor area for large projects. We are conveniently located and have freeway access.
Desert Coating | 3883 W. Lower Buckeye Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85009

Our sister company for large format projects.
Work with large projects?
We’ve got you covered.
Standard Coating is our sister company that handles the largest liquid coating projects well as large projects at your location.
Want to see for yourself? Call 602 253 7875 to schedule a tour.
As we have grown, so has our consumption of resources. We evaluated every aspect of our business to determine financially justifiable ways we could become more environmentally responsible, energy efficient and sustainable. Take a moment to browse some of the steps we have completed in our mission to “go green”.
Synthetic Oil – We use full synthetic base stock oils in all our equipment. The main benefit is to extend the oil change intervals.
Oil Lab Testing – Changing oil at prescribed intervals, for example every 5000 miles, once a year or 4000 hours is an inefficient way to use a finite resource. Desert Powder Coating moved to performing Oil Analysis on all our equipment. By using Oil Analysis technology we extend our oil change intervals and only change oil that has been completely used to its full potential.
This project has been a beneficial in both environmentally sustainable terms and direct company costs.
Previously all filters were changed based on manufacturers recommendations. This was costly and not necessarily accurate. All filters have a lifespan based on operating conditions. As filters become clogged a differential pressure is created before and after the filter. Using a Filter Minder, we know when the differential pressure reaches a certain value and a filter change is necessary.
Filter changes are wasteful when not necessary. Oil/Fuel in filter has to be disposed of, as well as the filter itself. This Green initiative has proven to be a tremendous cost savings with filters now being changed annually, instead of quarterly.
Our business is dependent on compressed air. We view air as a utility, much like electricity, gas and water. Unfortunately, compressed air is extremely expensive. Most compressors are only around 15% efficient. The remaining 85% is wasted as heat in the compressing process. Any small savings in a compressed air system can result in significant electricity savings. We have implemented the following changes to our system:
Oversized Air Lines – Less turbulence equals minimal pressure drop allowing us to turn down the pressure on our system.
No Loss Drains – We have retrofitted the shop with Magnetic Drains that purge water from the system, but do not purge air. This means there is less air for our compressors to make.
Leaks – All air leaks are immediately fixed.
Several years ago we installed variable speed drives on all our rotary screw compressors. Originally our compressors regulated air delivery by restricting the inlet valve. This is a simple solution that is energy efficient by allowing the motor to spin unloaded, saving 30%-40% at idle.
A variable-speed drive air compressor is an air compressor that takes advantage of variable-speed drive technology. This type of compressor uses a special drive to control the speed (RPM) of the unit, which in turn saves energy compared to a fixed speed equivalent.
This solution saves us both energy and money, which is good for the company and the environment.
We are methodically replacing older lighting with up to date fluorescent, LED and induction Lights. These lights can save up to 50% on our lighting bill and they last longer, making bulb and ballast replacements almost a thing of the past.
During our office remodel we continued our Green mission. We installed white metal roofing. High solar reflectance and high infrared emittance roofs incur surface temperatures that are only about 5°F warmer than the ambient air temperature, while a dark absorptive roof exceeds the ambient air temperature upwards of 75°F. High solar reflectance and a high infrared emittance roof drop the building’s air conditioning load and reduce peak energy demands on the utility. Studies have shown that white metal roofing can reduce the demand on the Air Conditioning by up to 35%.
We also opted for air tight construction during our remodel. Our office walls were made of block, but the roof was wood framed. We selected polyurethane spray insulation to both provide consistent R Value in addition to sealing the office from air infiltration, further aligning ourselves with our green ambition.
We’re happy to discuss your project. Our experts will contribute valuable insight that will ensure your project gets done right.